Process Modeling

The Object Management Group (OMG) notations in the area of business process management have now become the de facto standard. In addition to a purely technical description, the OMG notations also offer the possibility of digitization. Learn standards-based business modeling and get your entire team to speak the same process language.

It is not enough to be familiar with the symbol palettes of BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), DMN (Decision Model and Notation) and CMMN (Case Management Model and Notation). A targeted approach to the description of business processes, rules and cases ensures transparency, traceability and acceptance of the tactical level modeling in the company. In our training courses, we share the practical experience we have gained from the successful implementation of a large number of projects. During those training courses, you can complete the practical exercises using the modeling tool of your choice or our Modeling tool.

Through our involvement in various OMG task forces, we are directly involved in the further development of process modeling notations and can provide you with first-hand knowledge.

We offer the training courses in different formats, combining various elements to optimally meet your needs.

In-person Training

Our classroom training courses provide you with an opportunity for an intensive exchange of experiences with the course instructor and the other participants. We refer to these as “DeLuxe” courses, where there is sufficient time for discussion. These courses are held with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 participants.

Virtual online/blended learning courses

Our virtual training courses are compact, efficient and cost-effective, while still offering you the advantage of personal contact with the course instructor. A short preparation and follow-up using the provided eLearning modules is required. We conduct these trainings under the name “blended”. These training courses are conducted with as few as 1 participant.

eLearning Module

With our proven eLearning modules (currently available for BPMN), we offer you the opportunity to learn the concepts at your own pace. The modules are designed to be versatile and contain texts, visualizations, learning videos, and various interactive activities that you can use to ensure your learning success and gain a comprehensive insight into the methodology. You can start these courses at any time and determine how much time you spend on them each week.